Letterhead Design Techniques

by Waqar

Once you have a background on how to conceptualize your company letterhead, the next step for you is the actual process of designing and layouting your content. If you know how to use any multimedia processing application and knows a little drawing, you can do the design and layout by yourself. But since you are most probably busy being the bigger boss of the company, you might want to delegate the task to a professional graphic artist. If you want to be more hands on, maybe you can sketch out a draft on how you want the letterhead to look like but then again that depends on you. To help you decide, we can give you a few techniques on how to execute those imaginative concepts almost exactly the way you had it on mind. Checkout How to Design a Letterhead.

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Letterhead Design Techniques

One good tip is to play along with the text. Graphic artists use text on a path or text wrapping to conserve space creatively. To do this, simply place your major text, such as the company name along the contours of your logo or any image you have on the letterhead. This projects a wacky and playful aura for the company, perfect for children stuff and services. We offer high quality Letterhead Design Australia Service with unlimited revisions.

Add Additional Impacts

If you want an extra impact on your letterhead, you might want to use a block of your official color wherein you can place the company name done in white. This is what you call the reverse type. It is plain and simple and also economical when it comes to ink color use as this type of technique only requires at most, two colors.

Other graphic artists use the bleeds to add depth on the paper of your letterhead. Bleeds are when the printed copy intentionally ran off the edge of the sheet to create an effect that is pleasing to the eyes of the receiver of your business correspondence. It can serve as a good ambiance as the receiver reads a good message from your company. If you want to see what our customers are saying about us, check out our testimonials.

Also providing a good ambiance while the receiver of the letter reads the content is a phantom screen or watermark. What you do is to select a text or probably the company logo, enlarge it and screen it very lightly as if it blends with the paper in a ghost-like fashion. Some psychologists think that watermarks or phantom screens can touch the reader’s subconscious mind. So instead of placing a logo as a watermark, you might want to print your company’s slogan or mission and vision. Who knows, the customers might unconsciously acquire the meaning installed on the watermark and subtly be encouraged to decide in favor of your product and services.

You can also try using metallic ink for the printing of the letterhead to achieve that sterling letterhead look. These inks are usually made of gold, silver and bronze, so if your company’s official color is at least one of those, this is a good option for you. But of course, this type of ink may cause you a whole lot more compared to using the regular ink. And you also need a lengthier production type for this. The important thing is you put a lot of thought on how you want your letterhead to look like so that it won’t be a waste of your time, effort and money.

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